Elevators have become an integral part of modern urban life, especially in tall buildings, shopping malls, offices, and residential complexes. While elevators seem like simple devices for going up and down, there are a few hacks that can make your elevator experience smoother, faster, and more efficient. Whether you’re in a rush to get to your office or just want to maximize convenience, here are 10 powerful elevator hacks you need to know.

1. Skip Floors with the Priority Button Hack

Did you know that you can sometimes skip other floor stops with a simple hack? Many elevators have a “priority” or “express” function that can cancel previously selected floors, allowing you to reach your destination faster. In some elevators, if you press and hold the close door button along with the button for your floor, the elevator bypasses other selected floors, treating your destination as the priority. This hack doesn’t work on all elevators, but when it does, it can save you valuable time.

2. Hold the Doors Open or Closed with Specific Button Combinations

In some elevators, you can manually hold the door open or closed using the buttons. Pressing the open or close door button together with a specific floor button might lock the elevator in a holding pattern, preventing the door from closing or opening until you manually release it. This trick is useful if you’re waiting for someone or trying to keep the door closed to avoid delays. Keep in mind that not all elevator systems support this, and it may vary depending on the make and model.

3. Use Elevator Mode for Fire or Emergency Situations

Elevators in modern buildings often come with a special emergency mode. If a fire or another emergency occurs, you can use this hack to bring the elevator under your control. In most cases, elevators will automatically descend to a safe floor and will no longer respond to individual calls. You should avoid using elevators during emergencies like fires, but being aware of this feature could help you understand how elevators behave during such events.

4. Press Both Up and Down to Get an Elevator Faster

Sometimes when you’re in a hurry, waiting for the elevator can feel like an eternity. If you want to increase your chances of getting the elevator faster, try pressing both the up and down buttons. By doing this, you increase the odds that one of the elevators will arrive sooner, especially during peak traffic times in busy buildings. Once the elevator arrives, you can still choose your desired direction. However, be considerate when using this hack as it can disrupt the normal flow for others waiting for the elevator.

5. Use the “Alarm” or “Help” Button for Assistance

If you ever get stuck in an elevator, or if the elevator malfunctions, remember the “alarm” or “help” button is there for your safety. Pressing this button will immediately alert security or maintenance staff, ensuring that help is on its way. Many modern elevators are also equipped with intercom systems, allowing you to speak with building personnel or emergency services directly. While this isn’t so much of a hack as it is a safety feature, knowing how and when to use it can make all the difference during a malfunction.

6. Close the Door Faster with the Door Close Button

This might seem simple, but the door close button is often overlooked. If you’re in a rush and don’t want to wait for the door to close on its own, pressing the door close button can speed up the process. While some elevator systems ignore this button and close on their own timer, others are designed to respond immediately. This small time-saving hack can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to catch an important meeting or are simply in a hurry.

7. Override the Floor Selection with a Key Switch

Many commercial and residential elevators come equipped with a key switch or special access card that allows authorized personnel to override the elevator’s controls. If you work in a large office building or live in a high-rise, knowing how to access this feature can give you priority use of the elevator when necessary. This hack, however, is typically restricted to maintenance personnel or building managers. So unless you have authorized access, it’s not something you’ll be able to use regularly.

8. The Secret Code to Control the Elevator

Some elevators come equipped with hidden codes that allow you to control the elevator more efficiently. These codes might involve pressing a combination of buttons to activate express mode, skip floors, or give priority access. Building managers, maintenance staff, or security personnel are usually the only ones privy to these codes, but in some cases, people have discovered them through trial and error. This hack varies by elevator brand and model, so it’s not universally applicable, but when it works, it can significantly improve your experience.

9. Be Mindful of Elevator Etiquette

Though not a technical hack, understanding proper elevator etiquette can make your experience more pleasant and efficient. Holding the door for others when the elevator is busy or positioning yourself correctly in the elevator can make the ride smoother for everyone. For example, if you’re the first to enter, stand at the back to allow more people to get in. Avoid leaning against the buttons and blocking others from selecting their floors. This can improve the flow of elevator traffic, especially in high-occupancy buildings during peak hours.

10. Use Touchless Elevators for Better Hygiene

In response to concerns about hygiene, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic, many modern elevators now feature touchless controls. These elevators allow you to select floors using your phone or a hand gesture, minimizing the need to touch surfaces. If you’re in a building with a touchless elevator, learning how to use it effectively can save you from unnecessary contact with germs and keep your hands clean. Look for signage or ask building personnel for instructions if you’re unfamiliar with the system.


Elevators are more than just transportation devices; they are essential for modern urban living. Understanding how to use them effectively, whether through button combinations or hidden features, can greatly improve your overall experience. These 10 elevator hacks cover everything from safety and emergency use to making sure you reach your floor as fast as possible. Learn More

By David

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